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Elements of true worship What is worship Best definition of worship Devotion is the main purpose of human life. If a person is very rich and he does not do devotion, then his wealth and fame are in vain. The happiness is due to past virtuous deeds. Devotion is necessary for the accumulation of virtuous deeds. If someone does not do devotion due to physical facilities, then that person is suffering the fruits of devotion done in previous lives. If we do not do devotion today, then in the next life, there will be suffering in eighty-four. By performing devotion, all the disorders inside the human being are automatically eradicated. भक्ति बिना क्या होत है, ध्रुव से पूछो जाई।  सवा सेर अन्न पावते, अटल राज दिया ताहिं।। What is the reason for devotion? Ask the Dhruva devotee, who used to eat a quarter of a day, but by the power of devotion, he attained a firm state. Devotion leads to financial, mental and physical happiness. Therefore it is necessary to...


In this country full of possibilities, there can be no disappointment anywhere, if there is self-sufficiency, the youth of India have the ability to do anything, only then the country is changing, India is a country of youth.

For the past few decades, if India is seen, the diversity and solidarity of the country and becoming a prosperous India has increased rapidly and if we talk about self-sufficiency, then in that too, youth have strengthened with development by force and other countries There is also a way forward, the governments of India are also conscious about how to strengthen the economy, so far, if we talk about technology in India Has also improved, Since 1998, after the Atal Bihari Vajpayee government, the concrete step taken to connect the country with the city, is definitely a link to change, the education sector has increased a lot, but its At the same time social change was inevitable, the only spirituality in it is that link, which can change in every way, today we have reached the heights of the country, Due to the spiritual absence, forgetting humanity and getting entangled in the periphery of western civilization, became zero in human behavior, but in reality, if we talk about development, at present the only saint, Rampal Ji Maharaj, who adopted the method of Kabir Saheb Ji, India Along with doing miraculous changes all over the world,

Today, all the evils within the society, Kuritiya, are removed and they are creating a clean and healthy human society, even in weddings, in a simplified manner (Asura Nikandan Ramani) by rooting out the evil like dowry. Getting married in just seventeen minutes, due to which millions of people are living a happy life by avoiding this kind of evil, Also, a father does not feel the burden of a daughter,

If seen in the true sense, the way corruption in the society, bribery, dishonesty, drug instincts, dowry, giving of dowry, extravagance at weddings, atrocities with sister daughters, all this with the philosophy of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj and the devotion of Kabir Saheb Ji It is ending in a moment, due to which the country is going to change rapidly and move towards spirituality and is going to become world guru soon.


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