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Elements of true worship What is worship Best definition of worship Devotion is the main purpose of human life. If a person is very rich and he does not do devotion, then his wealth and fame are in vain. The happiness is due to past virtuous deeds. Devotion is necessary for the accumulation of virtuous deeds. If someone does not do devotion due to physical facilities, then that person is suffering the fruits of devotion done in previous lives. If we do not do devotion today, then in the next life, there will be suffering in eighty-four. By performing devotion, all the disorders inside the human being are automatically eradicated. भक्ति बिना क्या होत है, ध्रुव से पूछो जाई।  सवा सेर अन्न पावते, अटल राज दिया ताहिं।। What is the reason for devotion? Ask the Dhruva devotee, who used to eat a quarter of a day, but by the power of devotion, he attained a firm state. Devotion leads to financial, mental and physical happiness. Therefore it is necessary to...


हक्का कबीर करीम तू बेएब परवरदिगार।।

There is no lack of faith in a country like India. Almost people here are believers and worship God in one way or another to maintain the same faith.
Brahma Vishnu Mahesh is worshiped in Hinduism. Similarly, in every religion, their Ishta is worshiped / worshiped according to their own.

Along with this, all religious people give great importance to the sacred scriptures of their respective religions and they should also give importance because what is written in them is the truth. It may not be right to believe in religion but not to follow religious scriptures. Believers are so devoted to God that they do many pujas to make God happy, do pilgrimage, do hundreds of kilometers of pilgrimage and even sacrifice some animals. At present, Brahma is doing devotional service to Vishnu Mahesh.

Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh are all considered as indestructible Gods, but those who are our sacred texts like the holy Veda Purna, Gita ji, if one looks at them, So this shows that this Ajar is not immortal. His birth is death. His mother is Durga and father Jyoti Niranjan Kaal.

Third chapter of Shree Devi Maha Purana page 123
Lord Vishnu had to suffer the fruits of karma in the form of Rama and Krishna under three heat. This proves that these three cannot destroy heat. Brahma Vishnu Mahesh can only give us what is written in our destiny and cannot increase or decrease it. Brahma Vishnu Mahesh is influenced by three qualities and based on that, he is running this world.Brahma Ji Rajgun Vishnu Ji Satgun and Shiva Ji Tamogun are effective. If the birth of these Gods dies, then who is the God who is imperishable and who is the master of all?
There is evidence in all our holy books that he is the Supreme God Kabir Saheb. Those who have been called KavirDev in the Vedas.

In the Holy Quran Sharif, Lord is in form and his name is Kabir Surat Furqani 25 verses 52 to 59 it is written that God Kabir created the universe in six days and visited the throne on the seventh day.

The Absolute God is "Sat Kabir".

हक्का कबीर करीम तू बेएब परवरदिगार।।

"Raga Tilang Mahala 1" Punjabi Guru Granth Saheb Page no.  721
Nanak Dev Ji says: -
O all creation, kind, compassionate ”SatakbirYou are nirvikar divine

600 years before today, Kabir ji appeared on the lotus flower at the wavelength of Lord Kashi from where a childless couple picked him up and took him home where he was raised with the milk of a virgin cow.

 At the same time, the lepros whom God himself came to meet and Mukti Dham Satlok (where Kabir is seated on Parmeshwar Simhaan) left Vampis on the earth, he has also told his forces.
 Daddudayal ji
जिन मोकुं निज नाम दिया सोही सतगुरु हमार
‌दादू दूसरा कोई नहीं कबीर सृजनहार

Garib das ji
हम सुल्तानी नानक तारे दादू को उपदेश दिया
‌जात जुलाहा भेद न पाया वो काशी माहीं कबीर हुआ

‌ Nanak dev ji
हक्का कबीर करीम तूं बेएब परवदीगार

 "Vedas have proof.  Kabir is "God"

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