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Elements of true worship What is worship Best definition of worship Devotion is the main purpose of human life. If a person is very rich and he does not do devotion, then his wealth and fame are in vain. The happiness is due to past virtuous deeds. Devotion is necessary for the accumulation of virtuous deeds. If someone does not do devotion due to physical facilities, then that person is suffering the fruits of devotion done in previous lives. If we do not do devotion today, then in the next life, there will be suffering in eighty-four. By performing devotion, all the disorders inside the human being are automatically eradicated. भक्ति बिना क्या होत है, ध्रुव से पूछो जाई।  सवा सेर अन्न पावते, अटल राज दिया ताहिं।। What is the reason for devotion? Ask the Dhruva devotee, who used to eat a quarter of a day, but by the power of devotion, he attained a firm state. Devotion leads to financial, mental and physical happiness. Therefore it is necessary to...

TB disease

Hello friends we are going to talk about TB disease,what is the condition of TB today, what NGOs have worked for it. and what is the best treatment for it 

When a person develops active TB (disease), the symptoms (cough, fever, night sweats, weight loss etc.) may be mild for many months. This can lead to delays in seeking care, and results in transmission of the bacteria to others. People ill with TB can infect up to 10-15 other people through close contact over the course of a year. Without proper treatment up to two thirds of people ill with TB will die.

TB is transmitted from one person to another through air. When people with pulmonary TB cough, sneeze or spit, they spread TB germs into the air. Only a few of these germs need to be inhaled for a person to become unstable.

Tuberculosis kills more than a million people each year, mostly in developing countries, where poor public health systems hamper its diagnosis and treatment efforts. But NGOs are now adopting new mobile health technologies that can help fight disease more efficiently and effectively.

To be sure, extensive work by the Global Fund, the World Health Organization, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and other large organizations are making a big difference. Worldwide incidence of TB declined at a rate of 1.5% each year between 2000 and 2013, according to the WHO's Global Tuberculosis Report in 2014.

There is a situation when doctors do not have any solution
Where science also fails, the power of God works there. Kabir Saheb, the Supreme God, destroys even the most dreadful disease, when we begin to practice devotion by preaching the name of the Purna Guru.
Complete God can increase lifespan and anyone can destroy disease. - Rigveda
There is no impossible word in Kabir Saheb Ji's Dictionary.

God declares: All our destiny's sins are cut off by chanting Satnam. Therefore, except arbitrary worship, we should do scriptural practice, from which we get all kinds of benefits and salvation.

Big diseases can also be cured by coming under the shelter of God.
For example, this sister Renu, who is a resident of Indore (MP), became Bone Tb and she was on the last stage, she once underwent an operation which was not successful, then she took name initiation from Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj so that His illness was cured


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